Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Cookies...

It's time for me to start thinking about my Christmas baking. I've already given it some thought and I'll post a list here in the next few days as to what those things will be. I am going to do my best at getting as many of my cookie and candy recipes posted soon. ( I have some started already, see below.) Remember I deleted my blogs last August and most of my old recipes were already posted.....and don't forget I am a two finger typist, you can't forget that! (: I am not sure how many pictures I will have, as I am not a genius at the digital camera either. I look forward to sharing my family's favorite holiday recipes and a few new ones that I hope to try this year. And then...I am doing so well on watching what I eat, I really am hesitant to bake at all. How can I not bake at all? I can't.

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